Friday, March 26, 2010


I never get to share my thoughts about this film. I am not a professional critic though, bilang mahadera lang (hehe!).

The Main Cast:

Robert Downey - Sherlock Holmes
Jude Law - Dr. John Watson
Rachel McAdams - Irene Adler

I like this movie not just because The "Yummy" Jude Law was on the movie, but also because of it's interesting twists at the middle of the film. The casts portrayed their characters very well especially Robert Downey. Being the Iron Man, he definitely nailed it. The story was very nifty even on the smallest details.

My favorite part was when Robert Downey uncovered all of Mark Strong (Blackwood) self-proclaimed superpowers were all a sham. The scriptwriter and the producer must have rummaged the net for the medical and chemical terminologies and definitions used in the film.

Ingenious indeed!

I recommend you watch this movie. =D


Oh how I miss this.

As I've mention prior to this post, I've been promoted which made my tight schedule more tight than ever.

Well, my promotion has its advantages and disadvantages. Let me enumerate it for you.


1. One of the advantages is that, my signature now is one of the most important signature when it comes to our department. It's like I'm a celebrity, pirma dito, pirma doon. Everywhere I go. Hahaha. Wala lang.

2. I have now the power to make some rules, not that I am demanding or whatsoever, I just want things to be done purrfectly. In short, I'm a perfectionist and a very organized person. I want everything in their respective places.

3. I can now do whatever I want to do, whenever I want to. (Joke! hahaha!)

4. Increase in salary. Before my salary was just Php *bleep*, now its Php *bleep*. I can actually buy my dream car now (financing siyempre).

5. My promotion did overhauled my personality. From being just working because I have to work, to woking because I love my work. Now, I'm beginning to enjoy my work. Maybe because from the very first time, this is really what I wanted. I also get to learn how to have more patience and self-confidence.


1. There is just only one disadvantage. You see, my position now requires my full supervision so I have to stay late everyday just to make sure the operation was smoothly done until the very last details.

Summing it all up, my promotion did a major modification on my perspective in life and career.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


What!? Is it really a month since my last post?

Well, my promotion made my blog super outdated.

But, no worries.

I got it all on my diaries.

And when I find time to blog (kailan kaya??) , I'll post it all at the same time.

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